

Since I was a teenager, I've had a camera in my hands. My love of photography began when my uncle gave me his Kodak Brownie. I shot both color and B&W film and I was hooked. I joined the photography club in school and started shooting and developing 35mm film for the school yearbook. I loved every minute of it.

In the 80s, developing your own film was the finest form of immediate gratification. You could shoot, develop and print all in a matter of an afternoon! It was almost immediate feedback. You could print what you shot, make adjustments and shoot again. An incredible way to learn. An incredible way to create. Since I printed all of my own work, I had full control over the entire process. I felt empowered.

When it came time to buy my first 35mm camera, I went to a local high-end camera store and bought the best camera I couldn't afford. I shot, developed and printed to my heart's content.

That's what got me here.

I am still shooting film, developing and enlarging a bit, but my workflow is otherwise entirely digital. Everything I learned 30+ years ago still applies today, only the tools have changed. Photography has come full circle for me as I now teach and mentor others in my field. I feel a strong sense to give back and use my skills and experiences to help others.

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